Managing natural disasters

R B Singh and Ajay Kumar
If you make a list of the natural disasters that have struck our planet in recent times you will be alarmed by the number. It is becoming increasingly necessary that we learn to manage natural disasters better. And one way of doing that is making use of our knowledge in science and technology.

Why here and why not there?

Dyuti Basu
Geography is concerned with aything and everything that is related to the Earth and people. It is a very vibrant and exciting subject. But in schools it ends up being dry and boring. Geography needs to be redeemed in schools and for that teachers have to show students how the subject is interwoven with all other disciplines and our lives.

Digging into the idea of geography

As one of the articles in this special issue notes, geography is the discipline of “writing” or “drawing” the Earth. In many ways, it is the most fundamental of sciences, as it seeks to understand the ground upon which we Read More …

As things heat up

With elections round the corner, the time is ripe for teachers to bring into classrooms, discussions and debates about democracy, issues of integrity , responsibility and representation. Elections always bring in the promise of change, and this desire for change can be harnessed to inculcate in students an awareness about their roles as future citizens.

The caterpillar’s dream!

Sushree Mishra
Here is a wonderful lesson plan on how students can actually grow a butterfly in the classroom. With the help of this experiment children can actually follow the life cycle of a butterfly from the larvae to the final stage. Teachers are encouraged to try this out.

What are truly secular schools?

Aditi Dhammachakra
What are truly secular schools? Can religious practices such as prayers that are conducted in schools be allowed to continue? In such a scenario, how can we bring about educational reform? How can we create more inclusive schools, since most of the times, the sources of exclusion are religion, caste and gender? This article puts forth some arguments on this sensitive subject.

Educating the educated

Kiran Gandhi
Is there a risk of over indulgence in sports at the cost academics? The author seems to think so and emphasises that it is very essential for teachers to find the middle ground.

Re-crafting education

Steven Rudolph
This is one article that needs to be read for the cause it espouses — to appreciate craft, especially items made from indigenous and naturally available materials. By inculcating in children a love for craft, teachers will be sharing learnings on sustainability, aesthetics and values. For this, a greater inclusion of craft in the school’s environment and curriculum is the need of the hour.

Electing a government

Rohini Oomman
When the world’s largest democracy hold elections, it is time for change, excitement and a new leadership at the helm. How does the electorate in India vote its leaders? What is the system that our country follows? Does every citizen have a right to vote? How many constituencies are there in such a vast country? This article explains everything in a simple manner. Read up this to prepare yourself for the forthcoming elections.