Making a difference-differently

With corporate India stepping into the education sector, it has created new experiences and opportunities especially for teachers. Neeraja Raghavan talks to some teachers who made the switch from regular teaching to work with corporate houses to improve education in India.

Changing public schooling from the inside

Corporate intervention in the field of education is not new but of late there has been a change in the nature of their involvement in public schooling. All the major corporates in India have established not-for-profit organizations to carry out their educational programmes. While some hold hands with the government, other prefer to try and solve problems at the helm of the public schooling system on their own. Teacher Plus talks to the main corporate NGOs about their involvement in the education sector.

Independence and agency

We have just celebrated India’s 63rd year of independence and with each passing year August 15 is turning out to be just a day for rituals and paying lip service to the nation. With Teachers’ Day round the corner let us set aside this sense of ritual and adopt one of enthusiasm, faith and trust.


Put down your chalks, dusters and textbooks. Find here are some fun ways of introducing numbers and basic mathematical concepts to young children.

Games teachers can play

Unwind, relax and enjoy this Teachers’ Day. Forget the textbooks and classes for this one day and bond with each other playing these games.

Multiple Natures: A powerful plug-in for CCE

Whether we like it or not CCE is here to stay. For those of us who find it difficult to shift focus from the old style of evaluation to this more demanding one this article tells us how we can begin to continuously and comprehensively evaluate children.

Reactions of the halogens

Observing the reactions of the halogens, especially chlorine is quite easy with Small Scale Chemistry. Here we give some experiments that you could try out.

Reading between the lines

Comprehension–a simple yet difficult skill to develop. How does one teach comprehension? What is the idea behind comprehension exercises in grammar? Are comprehension passages just aimed at children providing answers after reading the given text? This article answers all these questions.

Spaces for difference

Read the continuing RtE debate in Teacher Plus. This is the perspective of yet another person working with an alternative school.