Screen time panic

Neerja Singh
How much of screen time is good or not good for children? With digital devices everywhere and for everything, is it time to put the brakes on their use? Can the present generation of children do without them? Though these devices can improve learning, excess use can also be harmful and interfere with everything from sleep to creativity. How can teachers and parents help within these technological contexts, is the question.

Arresting the downward tumble

Neerja Singh
Life for young adults is not what it used to be. Today we are living in the age of information and the popularity of social networking sites has only exacerbated the problems of living like an open book all the time. Teenage used to be called ‘the spring of life’; people were happy. But now, it is a dark phase in life and unless we take proper measures, we will lose our children.

Untreated pandemic

Neerja Singh
Taking off from the ‘Bois Locker Room’ incident, the article does some plain speaking asking parents to stay informed, aware, open and relevant to the confusing world their children inhabit.

Tackilng thoughts of self-harm

Neerja Singh
It is staring us in the face today, this alarming new frontier that our kids seem to face. A quick search on the internet will throw up the disturbing new trend of self-harm and suicide among the young. According to the latest available data from the National Crime Records Bureau, a student commits suicide every hour in India.

Combating drugs

Neerja Singh
Drug abuse is so rampant these days that it is no longer a secret; no longer something that only the “naughty” children do; and not something that we can ignore anymore. With dissatisfaction, emotional instability, stress and depression on the rise, more and more youngsters are falling prey to this vice. As their teachers and parents, let us arm ourselves with enough knowledge to help our children battle this problem.

It’s time… to talk about it!

Neerja Singh
How can parents keep pace with their growing children? With reference to sexual assault, the author lists a few steps that parents can take to engage with their children and to keep the lines of communication open at all times.