Penning that thought!

Manaswini Sridhar

Getting children to pen their thoughts is a daunting task. But the process of writing can be made both creative and entertaining. Here are a few tips on how this can be done.

The word genie’s magic

Aditi Mathur and Ratnesh Mathur

What is the purpose of language? Is it to communicate or express one’s thoughts? This article states that the purpose of language is to help children think, to play around with thoughts, to analyse or even to imagine. Here are eight Es of verbal and linguistic intelligence. Follow them closely.

Materials for everyday use

Sridivya Mukpalkar

The Guardian’s Teacher Network is an amazing website that has a lot of material for teachers. Check it out.

Tune in

Ratna Rao

Did you know that songs can be used to teach English? From reading, writing to grammar and vocabulary, English teaching and learning can be made easy using songs. Read up to find out about this effective teaching tool.

A must-have video resource

Geetha Iyer

Teachers need to look up various resources other than just books. For instance, videos on nature and the biodiversity of western ghats are a mine of information. This article talks about Wildlife filmmaker and photographer Suresh Elamon’s latest video which is an amazing must-have resource.

Remaining aware of differences

Simran Luthra

A seminar on Special learning Needs held recently by Oakridge International school, Hyderabad, drove home the point that both teachers and students need to be aware of and celebrate differences.

Where we come from

S Upendran

The manner in which we speak depends to a great extent on the place we come from and the strata of society that we belong to. Take a look at some words and their origin.

Class of thirty

Monideepa Sahu

Teaching Shakespeare to college students may not be everyone’s cup of tea, especially if the students have a bias towards the language. A first person account of how this class gave a thumbs up to the teacher after initial hiccups.

After school: text to tech

Divya Choudary
After tuition classes and coaching centres, we now have after-school learning centres that use contemporary digital technology to make the teaching-learning less hierarchical and more student-centric. These centres aim to foster inquiry, reasoning and keep students and teachers engaged in the learning process. This article takes a look at what happens at these learning centres.

Taking on the role of change makers

Quality in Indian education is something that has excited a lot of debate and discussion in the last few years. And during these debates a lot of solutions have been thrown up to address this issue. But whatever the solution, whether technology driven or creating better learning spaces, a change for the better has to begin with the teacher, for she is the change maker.