What do you do in your kitchen?

Sandhya Deshpande
If you have answered the above question with “cook”, then you are not using your kitchen optimally. Every kitchen is a mini school and if we take some time to think we can find all the subjects we teach in school right there in our kitchens. So wear your aprons, hold your spoons and spatulas and bring your children into the kitchen.

Not by profession

Shilpa D
A teacher is more than just a teacher. She has to wear so many different hats and play the role of the counsellor, the lawyer, the comedian and so many more.

Cooking up a fragrance

Vanisha Gupta, Umang Sultania, Gouri Naik, and Anamika Sharma
This teacher found a fragrant route to generate and further her students’ interest in chemistry. Students at an education institute extracted and studied natural products that gave different plants their aromatic smell.