The world of e-waste

Mahak Khanna
Technology is growing and at a fast pace. From the mobile phone in your hand to the computer on your desk, newer models with greater efficiency are released almost every day. And growing at just the same pace is a by-product of this industry – e-waste. Did you know that India is the third largest generator of e-waste in the world? We need solutions to this problem and the first step towards finding one is becoming aware of the problem. Here is a project that runs across levels and subject areas to do with your children.

Mad about this lesson plan?

Nabanita Deshmukh
Uncontrolled anger is fast turning into a real problem even in our classrooms. The teacher is angry and the students are shouting and fighting. We all need to learn how to control and manage our anger. And here’s an angry lesson plan to help you with that.

Online learning: the students’ view

Neeraja Raghavan
When one thinks of online learning, the issues that come to mind are those of accessibility and connectivity. We also think about how quickly teachers have had to adapt to these new methods of teaching. But have we stopped to ask how students feel about using online platforms to learn? Simply because they were born in the digital era, are we assuming that they know their way around anything digital? What can we do to make online learning comfortable for both the teacher and the student?

A participatory path to democracy

Swati Shukla
What is a democratic school? Do we need such a school in a democratic country like India? How different is this school from a regular school? It was in search of answers to these questions that the author visited Umang Paathshala in Haryana.

Mathematical knowticing that informs practice

Shikha Takker
A good teacher continues to learn and grow in her profession. And this she can do not just by attending workshops and refresher courses but by being alert and attentive in her very own classroom and knowticing her students and learning from them how to teach them better.

Developing a healthy body image

Neerja Singh
Too fat, too thin, too hairy, no hair at all, body image concerns are so real for young adults that they don’t think twice before going under the surgeon’s knife to get what they believe is the most desirable body. This is a worrying trend. Insensitive name calling and the ideal of beauty as portrayed in the media only add to the problem. Let us comfort our adolescents and help them focus on their inner beauty instead.

Building global communities through education

Leena Satuluri
In the last article of this short series, we bring you three very different educators, their thoughts about development and how they see education playing a big role in achieving equality, peace and understanding among the global population.

Memories, books and libraries

Lohit T
Books behind closed shelves and cupboards, beyond the reach of those who need them, don’t make a library. A library must be inviting, accessible and open to the needs of its users and it is this desire that led the author to successfully experiment with classroom libraries.

Let’s cook history!

Fareen Wahid
How many different ways of teaching history do you know? Have you ever tried cooking and serving history to your students? An exciting idea worth trying, don’t you think?

The limits of individual autonomy

Prakash Iyer
One of the aims of education is to nurture independent, critically thinking beings. But unless we teachers recognize the fact that the different means we employ to achieve this are all necessary but in the end also manipulative and therefore put in that much more effort to be true to our jobs, we won’t be able to do what we have set out to.