It’s all in the label!

Dr. GM Subba Rao

We all buy food from the supremarkets. We are all attracted by the packages the foods come in. But how many of us turn the packets to look at the back? Here are some very important facts that you need to know before your next visit to the supermarket to buy your favourite pack of chips.

The chemistry of food

Yasmin Jayathirtha

We read a lot about food, its nutritional values, its components but to really understand what we are reading, to see if a certain food is really starchy, or to know what calories are and how many calories there are in a particular dish students can carry out simple experiments in the chemistry laboratory and find out.

Culture, cuisine, and curiosity

Usha Raman

Every culture in the world has a cuisine that is unique to it. Even within India we as we travel from the north to the south or the east to the west, one of the first things we observe is the changing food patterns. There is a lot that we can learn about people, their cultures and countries from the food that they eat.

Food for thought vs. thought for food

Seetha Anand Vaidyam

Being physically fit means that we are mentally fit as well. And to be physically fit it is important to eat right. Children spend a major part of their day in schools, so here is what schools, teachers and parents should keep in mind to help their children remain physically fit.

What kind of vegetarian are you?

S Upendran

We all know that there are vegetarians and non-vegetarians in this world. But how many of us know that there are different kinds of vegetarians? With newer lifestyles being adopted everyday there are newer words being coined. Read on to find out if you are a lacto-vegetarian, a lacto-ovo-vegetarian, a pescatarian or simply a frutarian.

Chocolate: a basic need!

Zeba Raziunnisa
Hmmm…mouth watering chocolate! Share in with this writers love for chocolate.

Evolving food habits in India

Kamala Krishnaswamy and Ruchi Vaidya Food or ‘annam’ is the basic necessity of life and existence and ‘annam’ is “aham”. We all need food to eat, to grow, to develop physically and mentally, to work at our optimal capacity, to Read More …

Classrooms for/of/by the people?

How can we as teachers achieve democracy in our classrooms? As individuals in the larger scheme of things, we often stand helpless, not knowing how we can can bring about the much needed change. But in our classrooms, we can work in minute ways transferring values to our children, helping them to think, act and generally be.

Divide and rule

Sheela Iyer and Pallavi Mallya
Children often misunderstand the concept of division and end up with the wrong answers. Teachers must first understand the concept completely before they pass on their learning to children. Division needs to be developed from simple and easy numbers to complex and complicated numbers. This article explains how the concept can be taught clearly and with the help of a few tools.

Olympics and learning

Sporting events can be used in different ways to enhance the teaching-learning process. The recent London Olympics is one such example. Articles in newspapers, magazines and on the internet can prove to be a handy tool.Whether it is Math, Social Sciences or Language, information gathered from these sources can be the starting point and then classroom integration can happen. Read on to get an idea.