What Happened to My Canvas Shoes?

by S Upendran

Those of us who went to school in the 1970s and 80s were usually required to buy two pairs of shoes at the beginning of every academic year:…

Relax At Your Desk

Sunita Anand The feeling of heavy head, tense shoulder muscles, aching back and sore wrist is an oft-occurring phenomenon amongst teachers and people who work at the computer as part of their jobs. Relaxation techniques and exercises that you can Read More …

Inviting Contributions

Technology in its various forms has infiltrated every aspect of our professional, personal and social lives. In this issue of Teacher Plus, we examine how technology plays a role in education–both from the perspective of the facilitator (the teacher) and Read More …


As a physical education teacher, I sincerely wish you would address some concerns through your magazine. While we all know education is meant to groom children into future citizens, the pressure of the school curriculum, the amount of learning that Read More …

Fitness and The Teacher

Long hours hunched over notebooks, reading often illegible handwriting in poorly lit and sometimes poorly ventilated staffrooms, arm raised for minutes at a time writing on the blackboard, shoulders slumped with the weight of two score and more books…and we Read More …

Hard Decisions

The question that may be at the top of every regular reader’s mind is the increase in the price of the magazine beginning this issue.

What’s in a name?

by S Upendran,

Madras eye, Delhi belly, Oxford blue, Mexican wave, and American dream. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that the first element in the expressions that have been listed is the name of a well-known place…

Listen while you learn

Ratna Rao How does a child learn his native tongue? By listening. The child starts listening, some say, even while in the womb of the mother, to the sounds of the language the mother speaks. Listening is the foundation of Read More …

Will the sweeping reforms sweep through?

It’s being debated on television, in staff rooms and drawing rooms, and people have a variety of opinions about Union HRD Minister Kapil Sibal’s radical proposal to reform some aspects of school education. At the top of this list is Read More …