Stop, hop, and go!!

Ratna Rao

How often have we not heard the joke about a panda who eats, shoots, and leaves? Everytime we hear this joke it reminds us of the importance of punctuation in our language. Punctuation marks can sometimes seem confusing and difficult to comprehend. Here are some fun exercises for you to introduce punctuation and help build an easy relationship for your students with a little bit of grammar.

Playward the way forward!

Sharmila Govande

What are the challenges that teachers face when they try to bring ‘play’ into lesson plans and use play as an effective medium to teach a particular concept?The main difficulty is to keep the noise levels down and also space constraints. So, how can teachers make ‘play’ organised and structured? This article tries to answer these questions.

The adaptive advantage of play

Priyanka Padhy

Surely we have all heard the saying, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’ And yet we often grudge children their play time. Or we put in riders, asking them to finish studying before they go play. There is enough research out there to prove the above mentioned proverb. Play contributes greatly in a child’s development–both physical and mental. So the next time your little students say, “Ma’am let’s play today instead of reading a lesson,” perhaps you should give it a thought

Negative thinking for positive results

Sinny Mole

Rules in math learned without understanding are the root cause of many misconceptions that children have. For instance, when teaching negative numbers, teachers must ensure that children master the concepts and for this a familiarity with vocabulary is essential. Numbers are abstract for some children but when the numbers have meaning or relevance to their own lives, it becomes easy to understand. Here are some activities that simplify the concept of negative numbers.

Playing with rhymes

Nabanita Deshmukh
When children in a remote tribal village school in Odisha showed no interest in learning English nursery rhymes, what alternative did the teachers have ? The challenge was to come up with new or modified rhymes that had a cultural connect and which the children could relate to. Read how the teachers responded to their task of creating new rhymes.

“Let’s make noise!”

Mahananda Pathak

When a new language is introduced in school the concentration is on the reading and writing skills. But what about speech? It is equally important to be able to speak well and if started early fluency in the new language will come easily to the children and they don’t have to struggle to put sentences together at a later stage in their lives. Here are a few activities to get you started on “talking” in class.

The long and short of ‘measurement’

Neerja Singh ‘Measurement’ as a lesson is a classic example of how removed our classroom can be from life around us. The metric table, standard units of measurement, our helpful mnemonics all work together to present this highly practical lesson Read More …

The caterpillar’s dream!

Sushree Mishra
Here is a wonderful lesson plan on how students can actually grow a butterfly in the classroom. With the help of this experiment children can actually follow the life cycle of a butterfly from the larvae to the final stage. Teachers are encouraged to try this out.

Speak up!

Sheela Ramakrishnan

Silence is golden they say. Teachers take pride in ‘pin drop’ silent classes. But it is time that we woke up to the idea that sometimes noise is good and even important. Speaking a language is as important if not more than learning to write it. Here are a few suggestions on getting children to make some productive noise in class.

Fractions off the board!

Sheela Iyer
Colourful aids used as teaching material kindle interest in children and make learning easier. So, if you wish to make your math class more lively and get children also to enjoy learning maths, here is one way. Get some colourful sticks, a board and some colourful buttons, and try teaching fractions. Your students will master it in no time.