Uncovering the building blocks of life

Mahak Katyal

The cells in our bodies are quite intriguing but complex elements to understand. How does one introduce this topic to children so that they get curious and interested and not bored?

In the atomic heart

Aditi Chandrasekar
Atoms are building blocks of matter. So, what is inside the atom? What happens when we decide to probe and look further? There is a whole new world out there, a world with new forces, new interactions and enormous energy. This article takes a deep look at the heart of the atom.

Basking in reflected light

Meera Chandrasekhar and Dorina Kosztin
Light and how it behaves is a fascinating study and young students’ conceptions about light can confound adults who are aware about the physics involved. Here is an article that presents a series of activities on the behaviour of light for use in the classroom.

The political and the physical

Kasturi Krishnakumar

Often when studying geography, political and physical geography are split into two separate sections. But when the two are so interlinked isn’t it better to erase the boundary between the two?

Locating ourselves in space

Kiran Gandhi

If there is one subject that can never be ‘boring’ it is geography. This is not just because of the content it has but also because of the sheer variety in the material available to teach the subject. Here are some ideas.

Making sense of words that don’t

Kelli Sandman-Hurley

English we say is an unpredictable language. Teaching children how to spell is quite a task for there are words with those pesky ‘o’s and ‘p’s that don’t make any sense in the way we spell certain words. But did you know that there are actually logical reasons behind every word with a weird spelling? Read this interesting article to learn how to uncover the reason behind every spelling and how you can teach that to your students.

Understanding peace through social science

Avinash Kumar

In a strife-torn and disturbing world, understanding peace and being able to build it is very important. This is a skill that we should be passing on to our students and the social sciences are wonderfully suited to the task.

What does it mean to me?

Anna Neena George
A lesson on biodiversity often begins with definitions and teachers too adopt this method of teaching . This kind of theoretical approach devoid of any relationship to real life robs the subject of its importance. Read about how biodiversity makes life on this earth possible.

Insights from teaching verse

Ajita Paladugu

Poetry is often considered one of the more difficult forms of literature to teach. But helping students interpret poetry can also be one of the most satisfying experiences that a teacher can have. Here’s why.

The medium can be the message

Roshen Dalal
Teaching history need no longer be a dull affair with disinterested students waiting for the class to get over. In the Age of the Internet, there are now available different types of media that can be used to bring history alive. Apart from books , magazines and photographs, the use of New media can kindle the interest of children. Read on to find out more.