Playing with plays

Ajitha Paladugu

In these days of the SMS language, teaching children plays, classics as they maybe, written in old English is quite a task. So here’s a method that this teacher successfully implemented to teach Oscar Wilde’s play, The Canterville Ghost, to her high school students.

The eco-teaching tool kit: a basket of approaches

Emmadi Naveen Kumar

Economics joins history in the list of subjects that are usually considered boring. But when economics influences the way the world runs, how can it be boring? Change the way you teach economics and the subject will become interesting and challenging for the students. Here are a few approaches you could try.

Learning from the physic-al world

Surekha Nayani

The wonderful world of physics brought alive through a story. Why do we stop experimenting with our teaching styles as we move higher up the school ladder? Of course older children too enjoy listening to stories. They too will learn better when taught using stories.

Learning from the natural world

Ullas Ponnadi

Biomimicry as a science is gaining ground for the solutions that it can offer. A branch of science that combines biology and technology, it helps us understand what nature has perfected over the years and then adapt that through models and systems to solve complex problems faced by humans. It is a new way of viewing and valuing nature.

Sarvodaya Samaj: the link between social justice and mathematics

Pooja Keshavan Singh

Mathematics, in the eyes of many learners, continues to remain on the pedestal creating a feeling of inadequacy in everyone. This article tries to establish a link between how teaching of mathematics can help us move towards a more equitable society. Social justice maths tries to integrate social justice issues into math classes. Take a look at this interesting article.

Dissect three-dimensional models

Anveshna Srivastava

Dissection , in the past, has proved to be a very powerful device to understand biological systems but with the UGC banning animal dissections, most educationists have suggested that the virtual media can fill the gap. However, the author recommends that 3-dimensional models can be manipulated to play the role of non- functional systems that can be easily dissected in the classroom.

What does DNA look like?

Saraswathi Jayanthi and Vinay Singh

We have seen images of the DNA, 3D models, read about it but would you like to actually see the DNA? Try these experiments in class to extract the DNA from two different kinds of cells.

Developing multiperspectivity: A lesson from the Mopla Rebellion

Avinash Kumar

When learning history we all know that we are reading biased accounts of the past. Accounts of history are always coloured by the historian’s views. So then what we know of history is only partly true. It is very important that we teach children how to collate their own knowledge about history not from one single perspective but from different perspectives.

Making formulae concrete

Sarita Suryadevra

A change from the regular is always exciting. Set aside your chalks and textbooks one day and see how differently you can teach in your next class and see the surprise and enthusiasm your students show. This economics teacher did exactly that. Read to find out how she taught marginal productivity.