Decoding learning disabilities

Megha Bajaj
Learning disabilities in children are not easy to handle as their diagnosis itself is difficult. But learning disabilities are a genuine problem and teachers need to be aware of what these are and how they can help their students tackle them.

Harnessing the power of technology

Deepika Venkatesh
If you are looking to enhance the teaching-learning experience for your students and are wondering how, here are a few tools.

Cultivating critical thinking

Megha Bajaj
Critical thinking is an important life skill in the 21st century. The good thing about this vital life skill is that we can train our students to develop it. Here are some ways.

‘Tinkering’ your way into learning

Mayank Solanki
For a majority of children, there are gaps in their understanding of concepts, which leads to them byhearting. Here is a fun and interesting way for children to learn and understand–tinkering labs.

A paradigm shift in teaching pedagogy: the need of the hour

Rajesh Bhatia
Despite all the research, studies and experiences, even today a child’s success is measured in terms of his/her academic success. But there is more to life than academics and whether or not a child will succeed in life will depend on how well we are preparing him/her to face life. Here are a few things that schools can do to change the way they teach.

Reimagining New Year resolutions

Ananya Pathak
New Year resolutions are made, then broken and nobody thinks twice about it. How about making SMART New Year resolutions that we can stick to this year?

Books on Climate Change

If you are looking to introduce children to climate change and hope to inspire them to work with the topic, here is a list of books that can help you nudge them in that direction.

How a lake was saved

Seetha Anand
While primarily it is the job of the government to maintain public spaces, as citizens we cannot wash off our hands from doing our bit. Here’s how a group of citizens came together to clean up a lake and its surroundings in Hyderabad.