No more bookish projects, please!

Nabanita Deshmukh
‘Children have stopped reading’ is a complaint that teachers and parents have. Most schools and teachers tackle this issue in their own way by devising new and ingenious methods to get children to read. This article gives a step by step example on how this issue was tackled head on. The positive change that came about brought smiles on the faces of both teachers and students.

The greenhouse effect 2

Yasmin Jayathirtha
In the April issue of the magazine, the author had explored the idea of modelling the greenhouse effect. The ‘earth in a bottle’ was a simple model for the earth and its atmosphere. In this article the author goes on to explore the effect of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide.

Leveraging political incorrectness!

Arun Elassery
In this series we feature a ‘politically incorrect’ school — the Muni International School in Delhi which caters to the underprivileged, has no textbooks, and where the NCERT syllabus is used to anchor the learning. Children here ask questions, explore and discover for themselves. Read on to know more.

Thoughts too deep for words

Neeraja Raghavan
In this ongoing discussion on how to make a poem a learning experience for a student, this particular article touches upon how the approach changes when teaching university students. From trying to evoke thoughts that are too deep for words, to making students experience the imagery, melody, rhythm and rhyme, the main idea is to ensure that students enjoy the poem.

A tortoise among the leaves

Geetha Iyer
For middle school students, here is an exciting project on tortoise shell beetles. Since habitat and adaptation are topics that are covered for this class of students, a project on this beetle will prove of immense interest to them. Read up the article to know more.

Tell me, show me, show and tell me

Geetha Durairajan
What is the essence of Continuous Evaluation? Basically it is all about observation on the part of the teacher to know how the students are faring. If this observation feeds into the teaching, the better, because then the purpose of CCE is served. This article is a wonderful example of what the CCE is all about.

Small steps toward a paradigm shift

Simran Luthra
A new initiative called City as Lab founded by two young women is gaining popularity among school students and participating teachers. CaL, as it is called, aims to build a network of institutions and experts that support research and inquiry in all classrooms across the country. This interview with the founders gives you an idea of what this enterprise is all about, and if it excites you or your school, you can get in touch.

Tackling the power tangles

Pritam Benjamin I grew up at a time when power was a synonym for energy and strength, not dominance. It had to do with having, giving, and taking strength; academic, mental, and moral from someone who had it in greater Read More …

Understanding power play

Gita Krenek I’m going to begin this article with a little story. Long ago, in the days of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table, Sir Gawain was given a task: he had to break some kind of Read More …

Balancing the power equation

Julia G Thompson Power struggles between teachers and students are among the most common discipline issues that educators must learn to manage effectively. No matter how many years you have been a teacher or how mature and capable your students Read More …