Circle of learning

Deepika Nandal
Circle time is a wonderful teaching aid to nurture. Whether it is to break concepts down for children, or allow them time to reflect, or resolve conflicts, make circle time your go-to strategy.

Teaching in context

Praveen Kumar S
What is education meant to do? How are we imparting it? Is it sensitive to local contexts, principles, and values? The author came away with these questions after an experience with a student from a tribal community.

Digital technology and the teacher’s professional identity

Deepika Gupta
Creating smart lessons, developing digital plans, using smart boards, uploading assignments online, handling different Whatsapp groups — how far can we ask a teacher to go in the name of imbibing technology into education? With all the ‘smart’ things a teacher has to do today, can she still be creative in the classroom?

Let curiosity flit, fly, or float

Aruna Sankaranarayanan
New year, new column. Every alternate month, The 7Cs will explore one of seven skills that are essential for the children of tomorrow. We start with curiosity.