Bamboo, the wonder grass

Unveil the miracle of bamboo by undertaking this project with your students. See how bamboo weaves English, history, culture and sport.

Baking… & ‘Breaking’ Bread

Usha Raman If there’s any motif that is close to being universal, it is bread. Roti, pao, pan, pita, pain… and a hundred other names (at least) are used to describe this most basic of foods, but the role it Read More …

At the Movies… and Behind Them

Pawan Singh
Films are fun, aren’t they? The idea of a free weekend and a new movie playing at the nearby theatre can tempt most of us.

The River Runs Through

Shalini Balagopal
Yet another World Water Day went by on March 22, with politicians making the usual statements on the need to conserve this irreplaceable natural resource.

A close look at snakes

Romulus Whitaker
India is a land of many awe-inspiring and fascinating reptiles and amphibians – from king cobras that can stand up and look you in the eye, to frogs that glide from tree to tree.