Let my teachers awake

Steven Rudolph

Here the author picks up from where he left off in the last article and talks about how he got his teachers excited to try out an “open day” in school– a day when teachers could plan and organize their time the way they want to with little inteference from the administration. If this experiment works with the teachers, the author plans to allow students in his school to chalk out their own schedules instead of following a pre determined time table. Wait and watch as to how the teachers’ open day turned out.

What a modern curriculum really looks like

Steven Rudolph

This article aims to clarify that in all the din about educational reforms, one must spare a thought to how the curriculum must change to suit the needs of a knowledge- based society.

The cubic centimeter of chance

Steven Rudolph
One of the main purposes of education is to ensure that children can gain entry into best possible careers and careers of their choice. But when children and parents too are unaware of the options available to them then education doesn’t achieve its purpose. This is why career education is important right from school.

Return of the Diksha Guru

Steven Paul Rudolph
If every child were to be guided by a single teacher who could account for the child’s individual growth, half the problems in education would be solved. Read about Jiva Public School’s initiative in this and how the school’s counsellors have helped to change students’ lives.

Be a role model

Steven Paul Rudolph
Role models need not be celebrities or legendary personalities. Parents are children’s first role models who provide guidance in several ways. The examples they set establish the patterns and behaviours that their children will follow for a lifetime.

Hegemony in the education system

Education is a tool that has the power to influence future generations. We have seen how the powerful have used this tool in history. Attempts to tweak this tool in favour of a certain individual or institution continue to be made but today we have great educationists working to ensure that this does not happen.

Family – A child’s academic barometer

Steven Paul Rudolph
There is a growing body of evidence which says that children’s success in learning and behaviour is closely linked to their parents’ involvement. Parents can help in their child’s education by helping them establish a routine, set study schedules and learning goals and generally take an interest in what the children are learning and talking to them about it.

Getting kids into the flow

Steven Paul Rudolph
Learning comes naturally to children and every child is good at it, therefore we don’t have to dangle rewards in front of them or threaten them with punishment. All that we as parents need to do is to seek out teachers and experiences that will enthuse our children to learn.

Feed them with feedback

Feedback is extremely important for students to both build their confidence and to correct themselves if they are wrong. Here is a small tip on how you can give your students feedback on their performaces.

In the days before Multiple Natures

This article emphasises the concept or theory of Multiple Natures that helps people understand themselves better, enter the right career paths, and get along effectively in whatever work environments they encounter.