Sharing trials and triumphs

Seetha Anand
A teacher writes about her experience of how teacher collaborations and team work made working at a school easier, effective and provided opportunities for intense learning.

Opening the classroom doors to co-teach!

Indumathi S
Teaching is always seen as a closed door task, so it is normal to wonder if there can be any sort of collaboration at all. Co- teaching requires a lot of planning, trust and coordination. In a narration that elaborates how the co- teaching method works, the article highlights how collaborating teachers and student teachers are paired together based on subject and grade preferences and how this innovative teaching model paid off.

When conversations can bridge the gap

N. S. Lakshmi Sengupta
A first person account of how collegial and congenial relationships worked wonderfully for the writer in her professional life. Here are a few tips on how to forge these kind of relationships in a teaching- learning environment.

The magic of the collective

G Gautama
Work in a school acquires a fresh flavor with friendship and camaraderie bringing out the best in teachers. Without such relationships, a learning atmosphere cannot emerge. Only a learning teacher can participate in a living, learning environment. People one works with are an important element of this ground.

Timeless teacher stories

Seetha Anand
A short article on stories of teachers who shared an amazing rapport with their students.

Teacher camaraderie as a building block for success

Bindu Subramaniam
Cooperation and friendship among teachers is a great thing to role model for children and helps their social emotional learning, but being educators, teachers need to hold each other up. The article shares five tips to build a stronger community of teachers in your school.

A circle of care, trust and maitri

Saesha Pillai and Pranali Patil
What does professional friendship mean to teachers? It is a circle of care and trust, of sensitivity and vulnerability, the joy of shared learning experiences and a zone of comfort. It is a space for teachers to support each other, share honest feedback and celebrate each other’s growth.

Nurturing human values

N Sai Prashanti
Nurturing is a big part of school education now than ever before. Here are some ways in which human values can be inculcated in children.

SEL: An essential tool for healthy development and meaningful learning

Lorea Martinez
Social and Emotional Learning is extremely important in a world filled with strife, discontent and hatred. Usually when we talk of SEL, it is mostly the student that we are thinking about, but we should also be concerned about the social and emotional needs of the teacher if she is to care for the student. Read on for suggestions.

Time to go back to the old teaching methods?

Latha Vydianathan
PBL, hands-on learning, experimental pedagogy are all very well, but have we done the right thing by ignoring learning by memory all together? Here is why sometimes memorization is also a good learning technique and why we must bring it back into our teaching methods.