Drawing on experience

Anshika Bedi

Should art education be limited to the teacher drawing on the board and children copying it? Should art education be boring exercises in colouring a given picture as is? No. Art education should not be a limiting but a liberating experience for the children. Here are some ways this particular art teacher excites her students.

Nurturing the creative instinct

Arvind Dhondphale

If you are looking for ideas to teach arts differently so that you can ensure that your students can imbibe completely the benefits that the arts bring, stop looking further. Here are several ideas to add colour to your art classes.

Finding my space within Art

Faiza Hasan

Based on her experience, a student of art, now a practitioner, talks about the need to look at the arts in the curriculum with a wider lens.

Three stories every teacher must tell

Deeptha Vivekanand

Stories excite everyone. By now the knowledge that stories can be used to teach has also become very common. But what kind of stories should a teacher tell? How should she/he pick and choose stories to narrate?

Taking the dramatic turn

Pradita Nambiar

What does drama do to those performing it? What do children get from drama apart from the obvious language skills and personality development? Performing in a drama is a unique experience for each child along with the learnings that they take away from it.

Setting the stage for empowerment

Sandhya Uday

Drama is a priceless teaching aid for the language teacher. Reading, writing, listening and speaking–drama involves these four basic language skills and a lot more.

Drama with children: a journey of discovery

Nidhi Qazi

What does a drama class entail? Certainly not giving children a readymade script, whose lines they have to memorize and perform as taught. Here’s a peep into how actual drama classes should work.

The story behind the telling

Gauri Kaulgud

How beneficial storytelling is in the classroom setting we all know by now. What its uses are, the skills that it imparts, the impact that it has on the audience, etc. But what about what happens to the storyteller in the process?

Beyond justification: what students learn from the arts

Jessica Hoffmann Davis

The arts have always had to fight for their space in the curriculum. To justify the presence of the arts we talk about the value they add in our learning of the “more important” subjects. While it is true that we can learn math from the beats of the drum, language through song and science from works of art, perhaps arts should be taught not for what they do in service of other subjects but for the intrinsic value they bring to us as human beings.

Consultation is key

The safety and well-being of staff and students is a primary concern of most schools today. In order to meet this challenge, decisions are taken and systems adopted without any consultation with the key stakeholders. Introducing surveillance cameras in schools to monitor student and teacher activity may have its advantages, but several questions need to be asked and answered before any decision is arrived at. Clearly, school administrators must realise that consultation with all teachers , parents and students before any change is implemented will find greater acceptance than simply forcing everyone to accept and adapt.