Speaking from the heart

Kirthi Jayakumar Children are highly impressionable. Think of them on the lines of a sponge: the propensity for absorption of influences from around them is exceptionally high. They, therefore, emulate and incorporate behavioural proclivities through observation. If a parent is Read More …

To “Bio Sir” with love

Jyotsna Vijapurkar

This morning I had a glorious start to the day. A sun bird, sporting resplendent crimson on its front, visited the little balcony garden I maintain. Along with two female companions, it was feeding from a few blooms of Clitoria alba.

Talking about adoption

Sahana Mitra
Since adoption is a sensitive topic, schools must take the initiative to acknowledge adoption in the classrooms so that every adoptive family can share their journey without fear of being judged. Ultimately it is the child who matters so an empathetic context is essential to understand the story of the child.

Colour me red

Richa Gupta
How can colour be harnessed to improve learning? Here are a few tips on adding colour to your classroom environment to up the learning quotient.

Loaded Words

Kamakshi Balasubramanian

Always think before you speak. When we use words like “deaf ears”, “lame excuse”, etc. we should remember that these are words that could cause hurt to people.

The broken minaret

Kirthi Jayakumar
Do you have to be a certain kind to”fit into” a group so that you can find your friends? And if you are not the type that is prescribed, you stand to be isolated. Here is a moving piece about a young girl and her dance teacher who became her friend.


Neeva Desai

Can there really be onness in this world? This writer tells us why she thinks the world can never be one.