The right teacher for the right job

When schools hire teachers, it is extremely important that they hire them for the right positions. A teacher who has found her niche will be a far more resourceful teacher than the one who has not.

Choosing the right flavour

Using the interesting metaphor of the variety of ice creams available today, the author talks about the different kinds of jobs that young people today can choose from. With this wide variety availabe to them, it becomes the duty of parents and teachers to help young people choose the right job for themselves.

Not a child without quality

Can educationists work harder and exercise their spirit of inclusion? Can they be actively engaged in recognizing learners’unique abilities and finding ways to get them to build on those qualities? Steven Rudolph tries to answer these and other questions.

Unlocking each learner’s potential

Every child is different and a teacher has the arduous task of unlocking the potential in each child. A teacher will therefore have to equip herself with not one but several different ways of teaching her children.

A case for neighbourhood schools

Shankar Musafir The ‘neighbourhood criteria’ has environmental, economic and social ramifications Admission to the nursery classes in most schools in Delhi has been a controversial issue. Added to this, the B K Ganguly Committee Report on nursery admissions has also Read More …

Where schools fail, career centres succeed

As the economy flourishes and the requirement for manpower grows, career guidance centres have stepped in trying to introduce courses to hone the skills of prospective candidates. This trend will continue and trickle down to schools trying to connect young learners directly to industry.

Embracing change is a principal’s only hope

The introduction of CCE has meant giving up certain old rituals and systems that we were all comfortable with. But with CCE here to stay we have no choice but to embrace this change.

Multiple Natures: A powerful plug-in for CCE

Whether we like it or not CCE is here to stay. For those of us who find it difficult to shift focus from the old style of evaluation to this more demanding one this article tells us how we can begin to continuously and comprehensively evaluate children.

Spare the rod and save the child

Seetha Anand Vaidyam

Recently the newspapers reported the death of a 13 year old boy who was canned by his teacher for misbehaving in class. Why is it that we still have teachers in this country who believe that corporal punishment is the only way of disciplining a child? There is an urgent need to ensure that teachers are sensitive to children.