You are like me, I am like you

For the first time in the history of education in Nagaland, teachers were involved in the development of textbooks providing insights from the classrooms and making the entire process authentic. This helped them look at their own teaching critically and evaluate themselves. This exercise helped them collaborate with other teachers and they understood that each of them was a bit like the other.

Rice on the menu

As far as working on projects is concerned , children will enjoy learning about Project Rice because rice is connected with every part of our lives. In fact, it is life, so students’ engagement will most likely be easy and learning is likely to be long-lasting.

No textbooks? Take the creative route

Looking beyond the textbook is a skill that every teacher must learn to cultivate. A little bit of imagination and clever use of resources can help a teacher engage with her students even without textbooks. Read on to find out more.

Misses the target

A Story of Political Ideas for Young Readers, by Rustam Singh, is the fi rst volume of a larger series of books that is an attempt to interest teenagers in the history of political thought.

Soapbox orator in the soap

Serials on television are a big hit with women. But have they ever pondered why these are known as ‘soaps’? Read on and find out more about soapbox orators and soap operas.

A feathered, grey teacher

A heart warming little incident about how a pair of pigeons challenged the writer’s assumptions about teachers and modes of learning.

“What can I do?”

The Assema Trust has been consistently working at bringing the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi closer to children in schools. Its latest initiative, Youth for Peace, was conceived with the intent to engage young people in developing concepts of peace on three levels: ideological, practical, and analytical . Some features of this are highlighted in this article.

Teaching children ‘to be’

Schools are the best place to contribute to a child’s value system. The NCF 2005 emphasized that ‘education for peace’ not as a part of value education, but as an independent value in itself should be part of the curriculum. This article explains how this objective has been taken forward .