Question of the Week

B R Sitaram

So how many of you were able to find answers to last month’s questions? How many did you get right? Check your answers in this month’s column even as we give you another four questions to keep your brain working.

Live your values

Latha Vydianathan

Imagine a room full of children, heads down, diligently writing their exam and no adult to monitor them! Invigilator-less exams are a new concept that some schools are adopting as a way of helping students internalize values such as discipline and honesty.

The class 10 jitters

Shivani Mathur Gaiha and Spandana Kommuri

Everyday teachers face a lot of situations in school, primarily with regard to their students, whose behaviour can lead to myriad problems both for the students themselves and the teachers. Even as teachers learn from each other to handle such ‘problem cases’, we bring you another column with experts advising you on how to tackle students with sensitivity and care.

Using tech to teach

Vandita Sharma

As teachers one of our most important qualities should be our enthusiasm to learn. We become good teachers if we are good students ourselves. And yet many of us are afraid of using technology in our classrooms. It is now very easy to assimilate technology into our teaching because of the sheer variety of resources it produces in the field of education. So let’s open our minds and classrooms to technology.

Addressing individual differences

Archana Dwivedi

No two children are ever the same. Each child is unique. In a class of 40 children, how then do we treat them all alike? Here are simple suggestions you can employ in your classroom to handle the many different personalities of your students while maintaining a positive learning atmosphere.

Public schools and ‘secular’ prayers

Tushar Goel

Secularism is perhaps the most debated concept in the country today. While it has been dissected, analyzed and digested over and over in different contexts, there is one area that has received less attention than others—secularism and public schools. If public schools are secular, why then do their assemblies follow the prayers of a particular religion? Isn’t this a violation of our constitutional rights?

How to spot fake news

Sridivya Mukpalkar

Fake news is the new malady that has consumed this world. It most of all affects young children who are still impressionable. Can we teach children to be more alert so that we can avoid the damages caused by fake news? Following some of the advice in this article can help a great deal.

Fake news and the pandemic of distrust

Prakash Iyer

Fake news is spreading like an epidemic and the corollary of this is the lack of trust that people now have in each other. While battling fake news is certainly important, it is perhaps more important to arrest this growing distrust among people. And as teachers we have to help our children learn to trust another person as much as they trust themselves.

Uncommon ways to teach common prepositions

Urvashi Nangia

Grammar is important to the study of language. But the unimaginative ways in which we present grammar to children puts them off it, leaving their language learning incomplete. Why should learning grammar be boring? Here is a beautiful account of how this teacher taught her students a grammar concept playing in a park.