The making of a critical reviewer

Nagalakshmi Thirumalaiappan
Writing a report about a book after reading it requires just as much skill as writing a review of the same book.A critical reading of the book helps a reader to develop critical thinking skills which means he or she is more rational, open- minded and cultivates the discipline to process the learning without any bias. Here are some strategies to develop critical book report writing skills.

Language and literacy essentials

Yukti Lao
Learning a language has become relatively easy now especially at the pre- school level with the use of technology. Language learning in early childhood forms the basis of a child’s development in later stages. Take a look at some of these interactive language learning programs designed to boost the learning process of pre-school children.

Where the real friends are the textbook

Chiara Bockstahler
Can genuine spaces be created in government schools to encourage peer to peer learning? How does learning take place in this kind of atmosphere? Here is a profile of such a space called Creativity Adda where peer to peer learning takes place.

The start of a new journey

Kaivallya Dasu
How do students who are about to finish school view the future? What were the ‘board years’ like and more importantly what did they learn? A student on the threshold of a new journey looks back at her school years and the learnings that she experienced.

A treasure trove of amazing tales

Gururaj K S
‘ Teaching Tales, Learning Trails’ is a great piece of work by three passionate teacher educators. The book is divided into two sections. While one section has some amazing stories, the second section contains details on the discussions about the book that the authors had with parents, students, teachers and other teacher educators.

Ideal textbook material

Stella Pauline Punitha
Katie Bagli’s book ‘Habitat and their denizens’ takes just a few hours to finish reading and also gives comprehensive knowledge about animal life. It is ideal for young readers who wish to know more about different types of habitats. A bonus is the colouring section

A slip between the cup and the lip…

S. Mundayoor
This is an interesting narrative about what happened when a group of children from Arunachal Pradesh went to meet the late President, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan.

The first ‘R’

Gita Nambiar
This article is a wake-up call to all English teachers to try and improve the English reading skills of their students. The inability to read English affects the scholastic ability in other subjects as well, especially math. The author suggests a few ways in which teachers can take extra care to help their wards pick up the language easily.

Taking workshop lessons into the classroom

Ravinarayan Chakrakodi
A workshop for government school teachers on teaching English met with a huge response according to a survey. Apparently the training seems to have developed the teachers’ fluency in English to a great deal and they learnt to use additional TLM like charts, cards and pictures.

Good garbage

Tim Hibsman
Here is a wonderful example of how learning can be fun, interactive and can also be turned into a game or a challenge.